Monday, September 06, 2010

From Ron Jarvis

3045735254_2b5e16de71, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi again Buckles,

I just got the OK to pass this on to you. Please read the posts below and let the blog know that Henry is ailing and will not be posting for a while. I don't know how I could say it any better than Henry did in his own words, so if you want to cut and paste his reply that is fine. It is always so hard to get this kind of news and I am sure Henry will appreciate any well wishes and support at this time.

Thanks Buckles... I just want to cry.

Hi Ron,

Had a look at Buckles Blog and replied but had a look just know and my answer didn come thru. So here it goes and then you can put it on his blog.. As you told them I live 1000km north of Christchurch on the North Island and we didn feel anything here. But nice to know that I have friends all over the world who care and I am very grateful for that.
Three weeks ago I discover that I had a cancers tumor in my colon and 12 days ago I had a operation where the removed 3/4 of my colon. Waiting know for the lab results to find out if I need chemotherapies or not. Hopefully I am lucky and the doctor got it all the first time. Got out of the hospital 3 days ago and feel very week. Lost 11kg and look like I am 80 years old.
Ok my friend, get back to you again when I feel stronger, reading is ok but writing takes the energy out of me.



Anonymous said...

Henry I certainly don't know you but from my husbands experience you have every reason for optimism and good results.
This is a great soapbox - EVERYONE OVER 50 - GET A COLONOSCOPY ! This damn cancer starts like a little pea & can be snipped out early. Honest, it doesn't hurt or feel that weird. They drug you.

dpowhitetiger said...

USA Friends: Henry sorry to hear the latest on your....Your USA Friends are praying for you..You gave us so much enjoyment on the Ringling Show working with Gunther and those wonderful animal displays....STAY STRONG...Please keep us posted..

Chic Silber said...

Very sorry Henry this is much

worse than a little quake shake

There are likely to be many more

folks then you are aware of that

are praying for you

Let's hope for good lab results

Jack Ryan said...


Thinking of you and sending all the positive energy I can muster.

Get well soon.


Anonymous said...


we are sending a lot of positive energy your way.

rest and get your strength back

you can overcome this

bill and sherry powell

Frank Ferrante said...

Henry -

You are weak in body, but strong in heart. As with the others our prayers, hopes and positive energy go out for you. You're a fighter AND a WINNER! Take care and be well, ~frank


I pray to God that they got it all.

Try to remember the great parties that we used to have around the pool at the Western Village Motel in Phoenix.

Then look forward to doing that when we get together at the Showfolks Club in Sarasota.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Wade G. Burck said...

I wish you all the best, friend. My prayers will be with you.
Wade Burck

Robert Gregory Gibson said...

Hope your recovering well, soon you be up and about.