Wednesday, September 15, 2010

From Chic Silber #5

LION2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Regarding the vacant stare on Frederic's lion

I submit the following as 2 comparisons


Frank Ferrante said...

Chic -
This one looks like he's going to eat your lunch, too! ~frank

Chic Silber said...

It looks to me Frank as he just

had his lunch & is resting quietly

But that's just a novice's opinion

GaryHill said...

Being that lions are pretty lazy, the look he has is one that in the next second he could yawn and roll over for a nap!

Chic Silber said...

Funny that should mention it Gary

as I sent a photo of this same

lion yawning to Buckles earlier

before I got on the plane to N Y

Perhaps it might run tomorrow

The photos were taken moments

apart but he didn't roll over

Little John said...

I miss the roar in Barnum City from the 17 savage male lions. I was 20, looking for a job, and interviewing with a biker theater dude who hired me because I carried a motorcycle helmet. Pokey had his steel toed deep treaded elephant shit packed boots on the theater biker dude's desks when Rigor ran in screaming for towels because Hurk about tore Jewel’s finger off. Well the wound wasn’t so bad but a bleeder and the rehearsal must go on. It is curious how a picture of a hansom lion compelled me to go on – thank you for your indulgence.