Friday, September 17, 2010

BAC Dress #11

IMG_6028, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.



Buckles said...

In picture #2 I thought, "The only thing missing is a noose"
At last they found it!

Frank Ferrante said...

Buckles -

Was Barry on the show when you and Ben were with BAC? ~frank

Buckles said...

With Big Apple and before.

Chic Silber said...

I believe Lubin went directly

from Big Bertha to Big Apple

Anonymous said...

Barry had established the Grandma Character plus he and Jim Tinsman did a hilarious ventriliquest gag that brought them to Monte Carlo. Barry would like to have an increase in his base swalary for the new season plus would li9ke a roomette on the train to get out of the awful Clown Car. He is a private person. Ken would give him neither so he came to Circus World at Haines City.[I was there] and then he jumped around and actually worked for a time for the Herriott's Circus at Kids World in Long Branch, N.J. [He was a big hit] and ended up with Big Apple. Along the way he has made a number of Tommy Hanneford fates as well.Kenny lost the modern day Otto Breibling. Too bad. But they also used the great Lou Jacobs for many yeats at minumin wage. You figure it out. I remember when we went to Vegas while in Calif. with GSOE. It was announced that Feld producing Segfreid and Roy paid them the highest salary in showbusiness history. Seigrid Gebel wacds royally pissed off as GGW was the circus greatest attraction of themodern day and he was getting a fraction of Seigfried and Roy and they took a summer vac ation. Figute that out. Two a day and six or nine packs in buildings that seated thousands compared to a Vegas Theatre.tanglefoot herriott

Chic Silber said...

Tinsman was a terrific clown & I

remember that vent gag very well

He also had a cute little "Tin

Lizzie" & I believe that he

married Danuta from 1 of the

Polish troupes (maybe Oblocki)

I understand that Lubin recovered

recently from a serious illness

Chic Silber said...

Thanks for the correction John

Anonymous said...

Terry Parsons.... aka "Spike," married Danuta.... not Barry.
Jeff Darnell

Chic Silber said...

Thanks for the correction but

it was Tinsman that I mentioned

Perhaps then it was also Parsons

that also had the "Tin Lizzie"

Dick Flint said...

Jim Tinsman's wife is Tisha and she was from Brooklyn with a strong Italian heritage. She was a great dancer on Ringling and he was a Clown College grad. After his accident on Big Apple in the mid/late '80s, they returned to his hometown of Lumberville, PA, where his family had lived for generations. They went into the restaurant business last I knew and had a couple of daughters. They were participants in one of the Smithsonian festivals I produced in 1980 and a great couple.
Dick Flint