Monday, July 26, 2010

The Riding Hannefords #3

Buckles: Attached, after
reducing to reasonable internet size is photo of Tommy at CWM
in 1994 far as I know the last time he rode a horse.

Best, Paul


Anonymous said...

Met Tommy In Orlando early 90s.THe shriners had his show for their annual Bahia Shrine Circus.This was the first circus to play the Orena.After that it was just the Ringling show.
I couldnt get over at his age still driving a big rig.He was solid steel.They dont make them like him anymore.Too bad he never wrote a book.Boggles the mind to think of the storys he could have shared.
Dont know about the rest of you but I miss those people and that era.When showmanship meant more than taking the money and running.
Real talents and not manufactured for the moment.
Personalitys that enriched our lives.

Jackie LeClaire said...

I saw the Hannefords the first time working a still date at the Milwaukee Fairgrounds, probably about 1946 or 47. (the fair was not running at the time, off season) They ran the grounds as a summer park with a free act. Hannefords was the free act. It was a very quiet night with few people and not a well let spot that they worked. The audience was not appreciative and Tommy, was quite young then and as usual, gave his all. When they took the final bow, response was quite cold. This did not set well with Tommy, and evidently irritated him. He reponded by flipping the bird to the audience with his right arm., I never met or talked to him that night, but much later in life we became good friends. Every time I would visit him or work with him, I would retell this story to him. He did not deny it, and we would have a great laugh. This was re-enacted right up to the last time I sat with him and talked at the Shrine Circus here his last year in Sarasota. I guess I am like so many others who worked with him and have so many stories to tell about him. What a great performer he was and such an audience milker, probably the king of them all in that respect. Jackie LeClaire