Sunday, July 25, 2010

From Buckles

SAVE0928, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Henry, is this it?

Hello Buckles,
this picture SAVE0928 with the many horses in the ring, it looks like Franz Althoff and his son Harry in the sixties in Germany with their 60 horses at the same time in the ring from the German Circus "Franz Althoff, Grösster Rennbahncircus in Europa". Where did you get the picture from?
Best, Claus
Claus Strauch
Saalfelder Str. 13
90765 Fuerth


Wade G. Burck said...

Jesus, that has to be it!!!!! Amazing, I have never seen anything like this!!! Col. Herriot, I'll bet has a bigger "chubby" then me, when he see's something like this. Thank you for posting it.
Wade Burck


It is said that "one picture says a thousand words".
When you think of the state of the CIRCUS industry today, this awesome photo says a lot more than that.

Buckles said...

I have quite a few European programs and publications, one of which included this picture as well as the details.
Remembering that I had already shown it on the Blog some time ago, I knew it would be readily available in the computer files.
I prefer hearing outside comments anyway.

Henry Schroer said...

That's the one, my Uncle and his son Harry, who died last year. In order to get them out of the ring in a hurry the all galloped out the back door to the stables. What a mess sometimes, stallions can be more dangerous then tigers.

Henry Schroer said...

As you can see in the picture there are 20 groups of 3 horses, when we had the 100 in the ring we had 25 groups of 4 horses. I will see if I can find a picture where the all reared up, its an amazing sight.

Sue Lenz said...

In February 1964 Bertram Mills Circus booked Rudi with their Chimpanzee act with Franz Althoff Circus for the engagement in Brussels, Belgium.

This was the first time we had ever seen SIXTY liberty horses performing together, A wonderful sight to see which we have never forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Sixty horses, all stallions and geldings is the total number of horses in the entire Cavalia production. The horse barn was something to see in this day and age.

Paul G.

johnny said...

Very impressive. However it was a display and was not able to do the routines associated with a liberty horse act as such. I believe that they were tParticipation ied together in each group of 3 or 4. Not to demean Mr. Franz Althoff. Certainly he was an excellent trainer, par excellence. I did meet Adolph briefly and he also was a superb animal trainer. "Circus World" is a great movie and I would suugest that Mr.Althoffs participation made it just that.Here in America we have had similar treainers that could identify with them.

john herriott said...

cker is born every minute.