Tuesday, June 15, 2010

NY Worlds Fair 1964 #3

Scan13009, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I must say this was a great place to work.
Always the innovator, Concello's finishing touch was
an asphalt ring with about 6' of dirt around the outer
perimeter for the horses to run on.
This to eliminate having the prop crew set up and remove
a stage.
Plenty of haggling over the possibility of a bareback rider
landing on the edge of the asphalt so we wound up with
a regular dirt ring and everyone seemed satisfied.


Buckles said...

In retrospect this was a Hell of a show.
In a different venue this might well have become the Big Apple/Soleil of it's day.

Harry Kingston said...

Is this what the tent actually looked like with 6 center poles in a round configeration???
What was the seating capacity???
That costume for your elephant act was really classy and I bet you still have it today.
Harry in Texas

Buckles said...

Yes I do and it still fits perfectly. I wear it every New Years Eve at the Showfolks Club.