Saturday, May 08, 2010

Ringling-Barnum 1941 #11

Scan12965, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I think this was the most impressive unit ever done
with the show.
Two howdah elephants in front and two in back with
Old King Cole suspended in the center.
In proportion, this probably cost more than an entire
Ken & Nicole Spec today.



What a wonderful set of photos. There is plenty of action shown. Very interesting, do hope there are more too be shown.

Hal Guyon said...

Didn`t Felix Adler play the part of Ole King Cole ?

Richard Reynolds said...

Yes, Adler was King Cole. The next year (1942) he was Santa Claus in the Holidays spec.

Richard Reynolds said...

When I saw this 1941 show in Atlanta on Thursday, Nov 6, 1941, it was right in the middle of the terrible elephant poisoning episode.

As a result, I do not believe I saw this Old King Cole palanquin-throne carried between the four elephants - -I’ve seen enough pictures of it since to make me think I did see it, but my old memory will not bring it into view as I dial up November 6, 1941.

If there is anyone out there from Atlanta who was at that matinee, please let us know if Old King Cole appeared at that performance.

There was definitely no elephant act at the performance I saw - -that I’m sure of, and I’m about 99%sure none were in the spec either.

I recall some work elephants hoisting (via pulleys) the elevated platforms for the grand finale Showgirls climbed up on top and at the dramatic moment streamers were unfurled from their bustles making the grand old flag.

There were four of those flags - - two at the center ring one facing each side and one at each end. I recall telling myself that those were the only elephants that I had seen during the entire show.

Now I do recall seeing Mother Goose riding a camel disguised as a goose with wings sticking out to the sides. It was weird looking. Also I remember the Two Jesters Steam calliope rolling around the hippodrome track with steam hissing and sound screeching.