Monday, March 08, 2010

"The Stage !" #1 (From Buckles)

Scan12674, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The term "Drama Queen" must have been coined with Belasco in mind.
For some reason he usually wore a Priest's collar and
was well known for his love of dramatic exits.
On one occasion at the conclusion of an event in which he was being
honored, he swooned at the feet of Jack Dempsey who quickly picked him up.
At a loss as what to do next Dempsey heard him whisper "Carry me off stage!" and immediately dropped him and stormed out of the theater.



Chic Silber said...

The David Belasco Theater on

West 44th Street (down the block

from my Times Square office) with

1016 seats has the deepest trap

room (basement) of any Broadway

theater and is acclaimed to be

haunted by Belasco's ghost