Wednesday, September 23, 2009

J.G. O'Brien's 36 whistle air calliope!

Scan12147, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Manufactured by George Kratz and said to the first air calliope built.

"Do you suppose the doniker looking box on the tailgate was used to muffle the generator?"

"Am I the only one who remembers what 'Lil Abner's vocation was? He was an artist who adorned with a beret and standing behind an easel, would paint the quarter moon that would later be transposed onto privy doors. He would step back and holding up his thumb, carefully admire his work."


Ole Whitey said...

I guess you are.

I recall Marrying Sam, Hairless Joe and Joe Btfsplk and I once asked Moonbeam McSwine for a date (my Old Spice turned her off) but I had plumb forgot about the outhouse crescent paintings.

You must be a whole lot older than me.

Anonymous said...

Never saw an outhouse on springs.
Maybe it's the thing of the future. Or, in retrospect, maybe we past this up a long time ago.
The Honey Dipper