Wednesday, August 05, 2009

From Buckles #4

Scan11948, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This almost forgotten photo was taken early in 1960. Barbara and I had only been married a month or so and due to my folks having just purchased a home in Hugo and our contract with Rudy Bros. canceled when Jacobi suddenly bought the Tom Packs elephants from 1,000 Oaks, we left Oklahoma early without two dimes to rub together.
This picture was taken at our first stop, La Grange, Texas where the Plunketts arranged for us to camp at the Fairgrounds.
I am seen here at the Feed Store parking lot making an attempt at selling elephant rides on Anna May for 50 cents, you can see the bull tub I used as a ride platform.
The Feed Store dealer didn't mind since with every two rides, he sold another bale of hay.


jerry digney said...

you've come a long way, baby!