Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Ephriam Thompson (From Raffaele De Ritis)

thomp1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"If you can discover the email address of Eph Thompson's descendent or somehow send him my
email with encouragement to contact me, I'd appreciate it.
I've collected a lot on Thompson that he might enjoy. It's enough for a Bandwagon article if I can
find the time to write it.") and i am looking for as much information on my great grand father as i can get, any information no matter how small would be welcome. Did you know that Eph is buried in England.

Ray Perkin


Bob Cline said...

Mr. Perkins, you should try to contact Dick Flint also a CHS member. He gave a great presentation on the life of Eph Thompson at the 2008 CHS convention.