Sunday, August 02, 2009

Curly Vernon's United Exposition Shows 1960

Scan11924, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I always thought this was the best way to do an elephant ride, customers load and unload themselves, less wear and tear on the elephant and evidently requires less attention from the attendant.
Don't know why they are using the name "Toppie".

1927-28 Walter L. Main Circus (Floyd & Howard King)
1929 Gentry Bros. Circus (Floyd & Howard King)
1930-32 Sells-Floto Circus
1933-34 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus
1935-38 Al G. Barnes Circus
1939-45 Ringling-Barnum Circus
1946-47 Sparks Circus
1948-51 Ringling-Barnum Circus
1952-53 Sarasota Quarters
1954-56 Ringling-Barnum Circus
1957 Sarasota Quarters
1958-60 Beechbend Park, Bowling Green, Kentucky
1961-62 United Exposition Shows
1963-64 Dale Madden Circus
1965-66 L.R. McNeece Circus Unit
(Died in 1966)