Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Route Cards #7

Scan11696, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Chic Silber said...

Hard to believe that in 1950

they would make 8 12 and 15

mile jumps with a railroad show

Anonymous said...

Ringling Bros. made jumps from Albany,NY to Schenectady,NY - 10 miles in the 60's. Bill Galloway,Rochester,NY

Anonymous said...

Correction, RBB&B moves in 50's not 60's. Bill Galloway,Rochester,NY

4pawfan said...

Ringling used to play two different lots in Detroit, packed everything up and loaded it on the train. I don't have one of those route cards in front of me, but was thinking it was only 5 miles or so.

J Goodall said...

This edition was out from 1945 to 1956 with Clyde Beatty and Associates, proprietors.

Prior to this show there was Clyde Beatty's Jungle Zoo & Circus - 1941 - 1942, Clyde Beatty, proprietor.