Tuesday, May 19, 2009


SOLTERS, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Here is the L A Times photo of Lee.

Chic Silber


Buckles said...

Barbara and I were invited to the Clown College graduation in 1973 and since we were the new kids on the block I thought it might be interesting to mingle a bit with the Ringling Brass.
Of all the people Irvin Feld introduced that night, the one he seemed most impressed with was Mr. Solters.
He announced to the graduates, "If you want to become a star in this business, this is the man that can do it!"

henry edgar said...

i never met mr solters personally but of course i knew who he was and he was a true legend, an icon in the entertainment world. i worked with many of his employees -- nini finklestein and joan tramantona for the circus, sandy manley and cheryl sue dolby for theater, occasionaly jack, many others for theater and celebrities whose names i can't recall. everyone at the firm was always great and professional and spoke in glowing terms of both mr solters and harvey sabinson. the world has lost a great man.

Chic Silber said...

Currently (and for many years)

the leading Broadway press agent

is Adrian Bryan-Brown of Boneau/

Bryan-Brown who worked with Josh

Ellis in the final years of SRF

as the primary Broadway press
