Friday, April 03, 2009

From Mike Naughton #1

jordan circus in utica, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Recession? What recession?

The above photo was taken Wednesday evening, April 1 in front of the Utica Memorial Auditorium where the Jody Jordan World Circus presented two shows prior to appearing this weekend for the Shrine in Syracuse, NY.
This is the left side of the building, I tried to get the flashing sign that announced JORDAN CIRCUS; there was a SECOND LINE going in front of the right side of the building.
Show folks report that business is booming all season.
I took a photo of a sole animal rights protester with her pathetic sign and she wanted to know if I need anymore information about her "group". I told her that I have all the information I need about her group and now that I have her photo I can proceed with my lawsuit. "What lawsuit?", she was shocked. I replied, "The lawsuit where I am going to sue your sorry a** for saying nasty things about my friends. Don't you know it is against the law to accuse people of false charges? Your sign has nothing to do with any of my friends."
Several minutes later she was gone, vanished into thin air.
A spine as weak as water.