Friday, April 03, 2009

From Chic Silber

DUSITZOO, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

A friend sent this photo to me from the Dusit Zoo in Bangkok

I had an opportunity to visit this zoo many years ago and I

was pleasantly surprised by the vast & varied collection of

animals aside from the famed "white" Kings Elephants that

are allowed to stroll from their elaborate barn to & from the

lake for a dip whenever the lead lady decides to

This is not one of them as they are never ridden except

by royalty in howdys on special occasions



Anonymous said...

I have recently seen some of the Royal elephants. They have a life much, much better than a lot of Thai people.
As far as I can tell, the king has never ridden an elepant. He has been the king for 61 years. Dion