Monday, March 16, 2009

Hubert Castle

Scan11335, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I'm not sure who steelarena314 is, but all the information they have on Hubert Castle is correct!

I am his Great-Granddaughter and enjoy finding mementos to save other than items I already have from my Mom or Granbun (Mary, Hubert's widow). We just spent a weekend with Granbun celebrating her 97th birthday on March 8 and spent plenty of that time reminiscing about Grandad. I was only 10 when he passed away and did not have the pleasure of getting to know him as much as I would have liked, but still loved the times and I did spend with him and Granbun.

Ami Burkhalter

"The picture above was taken in 1947 when Mr. Castle was with Cole Bros. Circus. I was on the show with my folks that season and remember him well."


Anonymous said...

Hello, Ami:

I'm I had the mixed lion and tiger act for Hubert in '72 and '73.
This is the first time I've known that Mary was still with us. No one else seemed know for sure. At times, we had "double dates", during which Hubert would head up one unit of his show, and Mary would oversee a second unit with a simultaneous date. I was on her show a number of times until these dates were over and we were one show again. Mary was a capable and involved boss, who stood attentively during every show to cope with whatever might arise. We all enjoyed working with her and making sure she had no major problems on the lot. She was grateful and treated us like family. I hope you found your grandmother well. Please give her my very best regards.

Anonymous said...

I knew Your grandfather and worked with and for him at various times. He and my father were pals on Cole Bros. and on the Orrin Davenport "winter deates. He was a young wire performer on my Uncles Schell Bros. Circus when he used the name Hal Silvers before Ringling critened him Hubert Castle. Mary would remember me and my wife.

He was a conservative too the extreme right. Had quite a temper and loved to play cards in the dressing room. Certainly a man of his word. He was a perfectionalist and had his own predjudises. I always enjoyed being around him and he would love to cut up the latest joke of the day. He was a mans ma. He did a fantastic drunken routine as part of his wire act so true to life but amazingly he hardly drank. He taught my son-in-law, James Plunkett to do his entire act and he was quite successful at it for a number of years using the stage name, Cristopher James. Hope I have enlightened you I am, Resptfully, John Herriott