Sunday, February 15, 2009

King of the Jungle #19

KOTJ-19, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

At the first sign of fire, the band switches to the traditional “disaster” march, “The Stars and Stripes Forever.” (Merle Evans and the Ringling-Barnum Band played this same number at Hartford.)


Eric said...

There is no cast information that identifies the bandsmen, and this might very well be the Al G. Barnes Circus Band and its leader Charles Redrick, earning a few extra dollars by appearing on-camera. (The use of the “Stars and Stripes Forever” as the “disaster” march, would tend to indicate that a circus musician advised the studio on the music that would be played during an emergency. I can’t imagine a Hollywood studio musician coming up with this on his own.) The absence of music stands indicates that this shot was staged for the camera rather than for accuracy.