Thursday, February 19, 2009

Honest Bill's Show 1915 #2

Scan11360, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is actually "Hero" that tore up the Orton Show the following year.

The following information is included with this card:
"YORK is 16 years old and stands 9 feet 8 1/2 inches in height and weighs 79,050 pounds. (this is not a misprint)
He was captured in Africa and brought to America in 1900 and has been in training ever since."


Anonymous said...

"Honest" didn't quite know his zoology, or perhaps his geography, but I'd bet he could count.

Anonymous said...

Lucky Bill had the first count. Honest Bill handled the PR. At one time they wintered in Quenemo, Kansas.
Erik Jaeger