Thursday, February 19, 2009

Campbell Bros. Shows #1

Scan11356, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Campbell Bros. in 1897 when the show still moved overland.
Probably took longer to erect that free act than the rest of the show.

Today this would be a banner day for RBBB Gold.


24-HOUR-MAN said...

I notice the free act poles are put together with offset collars, rather than sleeves, this is the same method used by the flag pole company that built the outdoor Kimris rigging many years later.

Anonymous said...

Not a tree in sight and the school house on the hill; must be the Great Plains. The circus is the only entertainment of the year. Bring on the wind turbines.

Anonymous said...

Offset rigging: as also used on sailing ship masts?

Anonymous said...

OK-somebody explain the offset collars -- the sleeves I understand, or thought I did.

Alberto Zoppe came to the country if John RIngling North sent an elephant to the family's circus in Italy, according to legend or history depending on which book you are reading. Some of us were there so we don't need a book.

Now this fall the Ringling show goes to ITALY -- how many elephants are they bringing? Kind of weird that RIngling (famous for 3 rings) is bringing the one ring Gold to Italy where the Togni's are famous for their authentic 3 Ring American Circus.

Alert security, those Italians like to riot in the streets when their soccer team disappoints.

Who's elephants are on the Gold Show?

GaryHill said...

Schoolhouse? Looks like Anthony Perkins house on the hill, up from the Bates Motel!

Bob Cline said...

Carson & Barnes elephants are on the RBBB Gold and they Are NOT leaving the country. They'll rejoin RBBB when they return.

Anonymous said...

I thought Patti Zerbini was on the Gold with her 2 elephants. Not so?

Anonymous said...

Campbell Brois. CVircus - Alk G. Campbell, Ed Campbell, Virg Campbell, Charles "Doc" Campbell, Fred Hatfield and Lee Greer , proprietors: 1886 - 1912

Bob Cline said...

Hi John,
The Campbell Bros. article will be in the Jan./ Feb. issue of Bandwagon. From this article you'll find that Lee Greer sold his interest to the remaining owners in Jan. of 1906. Doc died in 1907 and Virg retired in 1910 although the remaining owners always considered him to be part of the show.

Technically, the Campbell bros. Circus began in 1896 although the owners had been dabbling in the circus arts for years prior to the Campbell Bros. title.