Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cristiani Bros. Route Book 1958 #9

Scan11374, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Monty said...

Steve certainly did not change very much 17-years later when I knew him on the Strates Carnival in 1975. He had the ponies and also sold AB and delivered the mail. Steve was very well respected and had close ties to the office and EJS himself. His pony track van rode on the train just as if it was show owned. I remember that you once posted a picture of Steve in tights with a beautiful woman as a flyer when he was much younger. I wish that I could quote his favorite expression, but it was not very family oriented.

Steve was a super guy to a young JCL like me.

Chuck Schlarbaum said...

After the 1958 season Steve and I were on the Strates show together in 1965. He had the menagerie and I was with the Broadway To Hollywood revue.Had state rooms next to each other on the train and enjoyed cutting up jackies in the pie car during the run.
Chuck Schlarbaum

Monty said...

I realize that this is a circus site, but mention the Broadway to Hollywood Revue and you get my blood pumping. I was a 15-year old kid growing up in Winston-Salem in 1965. In addition to watching Jack Norman bally the show in my home town, I watched him in Raleigh every year since my scout troop always visited the State Fair. I listened to Jack’s opening so many times that I can still recite it today. “Delilah, (Sylvia Cassidy) the girl with the million dollar treasure chest!” I’m not sure that she was the star in 1965, but it was one of those years along about then.

Chuck Schlarbaum said...

Delilah(nee Sylvia Arnellis) was the feature in 1965. She is now in thew concession bussiness. We see each other now and then when she is back in from the road.

Anonymous said...

I worked with Sylvia on Jack Norman's girl show "Broadway to Hollywood" in the late 1960's. I would love to get in touch with her, we were very good friends. Could anyone help me? My name on the show was Crystal Ames. I would aslo like to add that Steve Fanning was a very good fried of mine and a great guy.