Sunday, February 01, 2009

August Busch Jr. Family #3

ABusch3, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the kid was the one who made the deal to sell the family business to some foreign concern?

Budweiser, the KING OF BEERS, made in America but the profits go the Europe.

It is the story of the USA these days. We should put all our cash in freighters and send it around the world, the other country's could send back trading stamps.

At least they are keeping the Clydesdales. At an Amish Horse Auction, a brother in the congregation told me that they dont like the Clydesdales for farm work as they have a tendency to have foot problems. I know they are tall horses, but that is all I know.
I have never heard anyone else say that -- any thought from people smarter than me?

cwdancinfool said...

Joe and Mary - They are right, it is very hard to keep good feet on Clydesdales. They require constant care. Part of the reason is the long hair or feather on the lower legs. This covers the hoof and tends to make it soft. They are not favorable for field work because the long hair on the legs is very hard to take care of. That is why they were used more for pulling wagons in the street.
