Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Evansville Elephants 2008 #2

DSC03171, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Elephant run down; Ring 1. Iza , Isla and Kelly, Presented by Ben
Hutchitson. Center Ring , Zola, Chang, Lulu, and Obert , Presented by
Tim Frisco. Ring 3. Viola, Libby and Nina presented by Louie Del Moral.

James C. Hall


Anonymous said...

What are those "round" things the elephants are performing in?
Cindy Potter

Anonymous said...

Dear Cindy,
At one time circuses had what was called rings, in which the performance was given. Some time recently, the rings became ovals or rectangles, which makes no sense to me. I notice that there 3of these things called rings, in this picture and I believe that was where the term 3 ring circus came from. I hope this answers your question.
Always enjoy your comments, even if they are in fun, like my answer.

Bob Kitto

PS: Merry Christmas to all of you who contribute to the world's greatest blog-site.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bob:
I just couldn't resist the opportunity!