Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ray Chandler

Scan10837, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

My Father, Ray Chandler worked for Gene Holter for many years. He worked Babe and many other animals that Gene had. Babe was my babysitter when I was a little girl. She was the greatest elephant ever. Arky Scott worked at Jungleland with my dad and when the Ringling Show would come to LA Arky would take us to the show and after the show he would take us to the train and to the pie car. I was very fortunate to have grown up around great animal trainers.
What a life and I miss it dearly.
Janice Trevino

"This picture is identified as Clyde Bros. Circus 1970 with Ray Chandler presenting "Kitty", "Judy" and "Vickie".
While I was overseas in the Army, my dad booked the elephant act out west with Rudy Bros. for two seasons, between which he wintered at Luke Anderson's place in Norco to where I had come after being discharged.
One day a bunch of elephant guys came out to visit my dad at which time he introduced me to Mr. Chandler."