Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Clyde Bros. Circus 1956 #4

Scan10819, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The Sensational Kays.


Anonymous said...

Where the Sensational Bill and Pat Kay?

Mike Naughton said...

Bill Kay was of Irish decent and from the Boston area and droppred the Mulcahey surname when he started promoting; I know he worked with Pollack for many years that is all I know.
Pat Kay was married to Arky Scott at one time. At the Albany (NY) Shrine date you would see Bill, Pat, Kris Kringle and Louie Stern (sometimes) -- and this was the late 70's and early 80's.
The old New Scotland Avenue armory was sold to a Medical Research concern.
Bill and Pat lived at 3001 Pony Lane, Sarasota and left their estate to the Shrine; from what I was told. First class people.
When Bill produced the Syracuse Shrine date he would get a terrible case of laryngitis; one year I was plucked from clown alley and TOLD that I had to announce. That's how announcing was added to my short list of marketable skills.

This is NOT them in the photo.

Anonymous said...

buckles, isn't this Betty Huber and fritz?

24-HOUR-MAN said...

mr. lee is right, The Sdnsational Kays were Fritz & Betty Huber.

When I was with George Hubler,("Glenn Martin & Co.") we worked a fair with them in Simco, Ont. We heard a scream one day & ran out to discover their son 3 yr. old Bobby sitting on one of the highwire pedistals with his feet hanging over.

Mike Naughton said...

Bill Strong (24 hour man) was on that Syracuse date when I announced for the first time.

Since I did not have any formal wear, several members of the cast loaned bits and pieces of their formal wear.

I am 6'3" and getting formal wear on a Sunday morning in Syracuse is next to impossible.

I ended up with shirt sleeves too short, a collar that wouldn't close, pants half way up my calf, the black socks were OK, but they did not go with my hush-puppies.

Bill Kay was brilliant. I was to stand in the bandstand next to Bill Pruyn, legendary music director, and announce the National Anthem. The bandstand drape covered my legs and shoes and the spotlight was to remain off so it wouldn't call attention to my ill-fitting shirt and bow tie. I remained the "off-stage voice" for the rest of the show.

Trudy and Bill had their POA liberty act. I announced the act, fumbled with my notebook and finished the line, "....HORSES!" Bill looked over to me with a stare and very stern voice, "They're stallions!"

That was the only time I ever saw Bill upset.