Sunday, August 10, 2008

From Chic Silber #3

LNGMOUNT, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi again

I just found the photo I mentioned in my previous note

I believe that it was from a program centerfold


"This is one of my favorite pictures taken in St. Petersburg, an enlarged version hangs over our fire place. Barbara usually styled to the audience but on this occasion she was asked to face the camera located in the end of the arena.
It never rated a place in the program much less a centerfold, in fact I never knew it existed until the second season when it appeared in the entertainment section of the Savannah Bugle.
I went up front to the Promoter's office and he gave me the negative."



Mike Naughton said...

Get that negative and make BIG BLOW UPS and sell them to help the retirement fund.

Mine is order number 1. It is my favorite photo of Barbara and you; I always admired it when it was displayed in your home on the road.

Are autographs extra $$$ ?

Wade G. Burck said...

Incredible how a building could be filled from floor to ceiling, wall to wall with Circus. And now we drop a curtain to cut it in half, and it is still barren. Unfortunately, you can make something bleak, look grand in a round one ring tent. The glory day's should be today and not yesterday. Oh man.
Wade Burck

GaryHill said...

Hot Damn, I even got caught in the photo pushing the tigers into the "Great Cage".:)

Anonymous said...

If ever there was a photo I wish I had taken,this is it. I have a page from some publication somewhere in our collection which has this photo in color, but it's only about 2x2 inches...and YES!,
make mine order number two right behind our good friend Mike.

Paul Gutheil

Anonymous said...

Great picture of your wife, but who is the slender guy to the elephants right?
Keep up the diet, it will eventually show a return.
Bob Kitto