Thursday, August 07, 2008

From Buckles #2

Scan10562, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Taken from the Althoff Program above:

"Elephants! Some of us think them the most lovable of all the circus animals. They look so clumsy and yet so gentle.
Just see the dainty way in which Lily, the youngest (weighing ten tons) puts her trunk around Miss Jeanette and lifts her high above the heads of the audience- then sets her down with a touch that wouldn't hurt a fly.
From the oldest to the youngest, whose name is Mousie, all our elephants are perfect ladies. And you should see Lily dancing! Evan a ballerina's footwork could scarcely be more accurate."


Anonymous said...

Ah, those ten ton elephants of yesteryear

Anonymous said...

...No doubt they had lots of love and attention, too!
Cindy Potter