Monday, July 28, 2008

Helmut Schlinker!

You never get too old to learn.
While putting together tomorrow's material about circus magazine publicity, I discovered that the real name for a well known personality on the Red Show is Helmut Schlinker.
I'm curious of anyone out in Blog Land already knows who this is.


Buckles said...

Darryl Atkinson knows who it is.

Buckles said...

Clownron thinks it is Roland Kaiser.
What an outrageous suggestion!

Buckles said...

And Casey McCoy Cainan is correct.

GaryHill said...

I sure don't have a clue, but I do plan on visiting the Red Unit and Joe Frisco on Sat. as they hit Dallas in two days.

Buckles said...

Henry Penndorf, ToddP and Jim Alexander are all correct but I suspect Casey might have tipped Jim off.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Honest John,
I didn't help anyone. Why though, did we mis spell his name the same?

Buckles said...

Dick Flint fooled me, I thought he would say Alfred Court but he got it.

Henry said...

Helmut Schlinker was know`n as "Piccolo" and he was with Gunther and the Williams and Althoff Circuses since 1947. I remember him as the groom for the Ponies on my Onkels Show, Circus Adolf Althoff when I was very very little. We kids just to go in to the stable and untited the ropes so the ponies could run off and we watched Piccolo run after them with his short legs and tought that was funny. Kids can be mean.
On Ringling he keept care of the African Elephants and was the baby sitter for Gunthers Son Mark Oliver.
He loved his Budweiser and visits to the Strip Clubs.
Henry Schroer

Wade G. Burck said...

And also his Marlboro's. Picci used to have me get him "a six pack of Budviser and a packet of Marlboro", and leave it in the car, so he could sneak it out later when Boss wasn't looking. Boy did Gunter hate smoking.
Casey McCoy Cainan just bought Gunther's Autobiography last week, that's how he knew the answer.
Wade Burck

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Good reading, but it's not in there.

GaryHill said...

I knew that! :) I had forgot that Piccolo name was Helmet.