Monday, July 21, 2008

Charlie (From Joey Ratliff)

charlie, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I scanned this from the "The Circus in Winter" by Cathy Day.



Anonymous said...

Buckles, clear something up for me if you please. This is a different "Charlie" than the bull Mabel Hall worked on her father's, G.W. "Popcorn" Hall, show right? If I am correct, do you know what became of Hall's "Charlie"?

Buckles said...

1903-07 Thos. Hargreaves Show
1908-12 Geo. "Popcorn" Hall family.
(Died in 1912 at Evansville Quarters.

This is a subject open to debate.
Some people think that he was the "Charlie" in the Lockhart act on the Ringling Show.
None of the males in the Baraboo photos have ivory that heavy however the info on his card above is not etched in stone either.
So this is a round about way of saying, "I don't know".