Sunday, June 29, 2008

No. 149- RBBB in Chicago 1951

P04995, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

July 20, 1951 "Lou Jacobs"


Roger Smith said...

I had a great friend in Thousand Oaks, Chuck the Bartender, who lived just behind me. He collected clowns, and I gave him the Maxwell Anderson Cooper litho of Lou Jacobs only months before Chuck died of cancer. I have the plaster of Paris bust of Lou, which I restored from shades of green and gray makeup, and from breakage, which sits above my filing cabinets. I hope that Lou, up on the Big Lot, would be pleased to know he still provides a smile and distractions from the tensions of life, which as a star producing clown, and a great guy to know, was what his life was all about.

Roger Smith