Monday, June 30, 2008

Elephant "Bosco"

Dear Mr. Woodcock,

I am a circus lover and I research in the circus history of my country, perhaps I write a book someday....

Now I am looking for information about the elephant Bosco.

Bosco arrival at Buenos Aires in 1887, acquired by Frank Brown (or the Carlo brothers?) in Germany to Carl Hagenbeck.

Bosco was a very intelligent elephant (he performed in the ballet “Amor” in 1886 at the Milan opera theatre alla Scala) and remained some years in Argentine in the Frank Brown circus with a great popularity, after return to Germany and according to the Hagenbeck book “Beasts and Men” was sold to the US.

Once I have seen in your blog a picture of a elephant called Bosco, can be he himself?

If you have some data or pictures that can be useful for my research I will be remained very thankful.

You have a wonderful blog that I see every week, sometimes are included some ancient pictures of Argentine performers (the last was Yacopis…)

If you need everything of this far coin of the word, please lest me know.

I thank for your aid and I congratulate for your blog and excuse my English…!

César Ortega

La Plata. Argentina

PD: Richard Flint give me your e-mail…


DanKoehl said...

Hagenbecks book Beasts and Men is available online at:

Pages where Bosco is mentioned: and

DanKoehl said...

I wonder if he went to US?

Another Bosco, arriving from Hagenbeck at Pinder Circus in Scotland in 1897 along with 2 ponies and a great dane dog, as an act, had already in 1900 rather long tusks, see my database on that Bosco:


Elefante Bosco dead in Brasil - Rio de Janeiro more information send me email