Thursday, May 08, 2008

The unappreciated clown!

Scan000011191, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I always warned Buddy Copeland that his type of humor might not be well received on mud shows.


Anonymous said...

Is that what Barnum was refering to...."A Peg you hang a Clown On" or somethin like that?......Jim Zajicek

Anonymous said...

I thought the saying was... "Clowns are the tent pegs which the circus is hung on."

Looks like someone screwed up.

Did they have a Blue Unit back then?

Anonymous said...

Clownron....Your version was a PR ploy by Clown Alley's of America...Buckles runs a Historicly correct site here....Might I suggest you veiw that Documentary "Shakes the Clown"......Also, does anyone know how I can contact Binky's sidekicks Boots & Ho-Ho??? I heard they work Cheap..real Cheap...Jim Zajicek (Chairman of "The Society of Accurate Clown Protrayal")

Anonymous said...

Happy Clown suit....$49.95 spirit gum....$4.95 Rainbow wig....$7.95 Pissin-off the Blacksmith....PRICELESS!.....Jim Zajicek

GaryHill said...

Capt, thanks for running this photo of the Blacksmith setup! A year or two ago you ran a similar photo. Can you post it and any others you or anyone else has? I wonder why the anvil is so far away from the forge on the wagon? Thanks, Gary

Anonymous said...


Bud ; If you want to Hang Around the ELEPHANTS -

they're Spookey over there , especialy when " THAT WHITE HORSE IS AROUND " .

Pat Cashin said...

To be historically accurate, the original, often miscited, quote was uttered as Mr. Barnum escorted Miss Peg Whittenhouse of Bridgeport, CT on a backstage tour and passed through his Clown Alley into his menagerie...

"The clowns and elephants on this circus are hung, Peg."

Now it can be told,
~Pat Cashin

Anonymous said...

Gary, I believe he's cold shoeing.....Because they swapped the coal for mesquite...You know....for the Clown BBQ later.....