Thursday, May 08, 2008

George Emerson #1 (MGM Photo)

Scan000011190, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

As per John Herriott's comments yesterday on George Emerson here is some stuff I have at hand.
I never met Mr. Emerson however while I was away in the Army, my folks had our elephant act with Rudy Bros. Circus for two seasons and the winter between, camped at Luke Anderson's place in Norco, California.
One day both Emerson and Frank Whitbeck came out on a social visit, resulting in few days work in a movie called "The Big Circus".


henry edgar said...

this isn't really circus, but horse racing has now been added to the PETA hit list, as has been hilary clinton for supporting the sport. (so much for the belief of peta/liberal politician tie-in) the virginian pilot, peta's hometown newspaper, headlined an opinion column tuesday with "peta gets it wrong - again." let me know if anyone wants a copy of the column.

Buckles said...

On the subject of Hillary, I'm not big on politics but it would be fascinating to see her being drug out the back door of the Denver Convention Center, kicking and screaming.
However, all this is moot since the good Reverend Wright is now in on the fix and will take his act on the road this fall, day and dating Barama throughout his campaign.

Anonymous said...

Who has the concessions at the convention? I would think that all the high rollers that can afford to attend would be eager to buy $10popcorn, $10 soda to kill the salt on the popcorn and $15 cotton candy
either pink or blue, depending on how their candidate was doing.
Bob Kitto
PS, Is there anyone out there who would really make a good leader for our country? When I was younger, there were many respected, nationally known honest people who could have led our country. Now we seem to have nothing.

Anonymous said...

Well they sure as heck did not migrate to Australia. We've got none over here either.