Friday, April 25, 2008

Wallace Bros. Circus 1938-40 #5

Scan000011144, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Walter Jennier's seal truck. I remember my dad telling him that he had never seen anyone do a handstand on a seal's flippers before, (the seal rolled over on it's back somehow).
Mr. Jennier replied, "How many sea lion trainers can do a handstand?"


Anonymous said...

Walter liked overland shows. He and wife Ethel had a good package with his top seal act and her top notch trapeze act. It was not easy cause they had to roll a carpet from truck to ring and then perform on a ring carpet, but he was good and "My country tis of thee" was a grat blow off. And coming into the ring with the strains of "My Buddy" set the right tone. greatscene. An all time great.