Wednesday, April 30, 2008

School House Show

Scan000011163, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

In answer to Anonymous' question, "What kind of man was Obert Miller?"
my dad always said that he was a man you never had to explain anything to.
A good example was a School House Show D.R. framed in 1952, sent out of Hugo on a six week tour that included horses, dogs, ponies, aerial act, juggling act, perch act, clowns and three elephants as seen in this Paul Van Pool picture taken in Joplin, Missouri and showing Fred and Shirley Logan with "Kay".
I just happened to be in Hugo visiting from High School in Hot Springs when the Unit returned. D.R. was told that the venues were so small the three act only worked one time, occasionally "Barbara" could do a single number but most of the time, no elephants.
Likewise for the aerial numbers and perch pole due to low clearance.
About this time Obert walked in to check his mail and caught part of the conversation and said, "When you take out a School Show you have to realize that you only have five days a week available so you have to have a very light, flexible show that can be moved in and out quickly and be booked into at least, two schools a day maybe even three if you hustle." all this he said while continuing to read his mail.
After he left D.R. said, "Well I guess so, after all that trouble, we only netted $20" then laughing added, "Christ!, I forgot, I still owe Harry Rooks $30."