Thursday, April 24, 2008

John Robinson Circus #1

Scan000011138, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Bob Cline said...

OK Folks, here's another question for those in the know. The John Robinson show was famous for the cottage cages,octagonal bird cage and one like this round cage.

Were they designed and built by the same person (s)? Was it all in house or did a compnay such as Beggs etc. build them?


Anonymous said...

A number of firms or shows built cottage-style cages; a survey might reveal two dozen or more that were not affiliated with John Robinson. Several of them ended up on other shows. Ringling had some after the 1898 lease of the JR outfit; others went to Barnes, Sells-Floto and perhaps others, as recorded by Conover's book. Another JR cage also went to the ACC that is not listed therein.

One must also be careful to not confuse pre-1911 constructed cottage cages with those made later, or by others, even when they appear on the JR outfit owned by Mugivan & Bowers or the ACC. The bird cage on "Old" JR was a semi-circular affair that went to Coop & Lent. The octagonal wagon originated on Sells-Floto.

Bob Cline said...

Once again, with an Anonymous response, I don't know who to Thank. I appreciate it anyway.