Friday, April 11, 2008

George Denman #1

Scan000011071, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

George "Deafy" Denman with Barnum & Bailey around the turn of the century.

1891 Sells Bros. Circus (Australia)
1892-93 Sells Bros. Circus
1894-95 W.B. Reynolds Circus
1896-97 Robinson & Franklin Shows
1898-09 Barnum & Bailey (Including 5 years in Europe
1910-11 Forepaugh-Sells Shows (Owned by Ringling)
1912-18 Ringling Bros. Circus
1919-33 Ringlinmg-Barnum Circus
(Died in 1937)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great set on "Deafy". Though he was such a prominent figure in the elephant world, we hardly hear anything about him.