ASPCA DEMANDS CANCELLATION OF TV’S GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH In a March 19 letter to Turner Network’s president Steve Koonin, ASPCA President & CEO Ed Sayres wrote, “To entertain the unsuspecting public at the expense of the welfare of these noble animals goes against all tenets of humanity and our responsibility to protect the animals with whom we share the earth. TNT’s viewers should certainly not be subjected to such hypocritical and unethical programming.” Compassionate people may speak out against Greatest Show on Earth by emailing its producers, Mark Wolper and Al Hassas, at and, respectively. TNT president Steve Koonin can be contacted at Letters may be sent to: Steve Koonin, President, Turner Network Television, 1010 Techwood Dr. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 " THERE YOU HAVE IT! SOME POMPOUS ASSHOLE IS GOING TO TELL US WHAT WE CAN WATCH ON TV. I SUPPOSE PEOPLE WITH AN OPPOSING VIEW COULD VOICE THEIR OPINIONS AS WELL!" Buckles |
Friday, April 11, 2008
From P.J. Holmes
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4/11/2008 01:03:00 PM
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Easy to do also,just click on the address and send them a short note.
You could also pass it along to friends and family also....
when is the series supposed to start?
I have already sent an e-mail to TNT encouraging them to present the TV series, and to ignore the animal rights nuts.
If activists manage to kill this program, almost certainly rodeo will be next.
This show will not be aired until at least a year from now. The ASPCA is making a major push to stop the show. Of course the vast majority of people have not heard about it. So the only input the producers will get is email from animal extremists and those that have been duped by them. If we do not email a positive response, this show will never be filmed. But the animal extremists will still use it as a publicity statement to raise even more money.
Please email your support.
Don Bloomer
Ben, maybe..The Rodeos I play have BIG-TIME sponsors, Dodge,Wells-Fargo, Wrangler,US smokeless Tobacco, Bud Light,Ford,Justin Boots ect. ect....The only thing TV listens to is Advertising...If the ads dry up...The Rodeo drys up...However, I'm sure AR Folks send them all kinds of complaints...However the PCRA is going strong(after nearly broke 3 yrs ago) and Their sponsors are not folding like Sears did with RBBB...One thing I find interesting...Is when I play a PCRA event...Their Vets come to my show TWICE a day to inspect my animals and keep records of their inspections....After the first few days, the Vets bring others to look at my animals (Rodeo Chairman ect) and other exhibits...However, if everything was'nt up to snuff...Without a doubt...I wouldnt have played Rodeo Austin 3 yrs in a row...and be coming back NEXT year....If the Circus would have these checks + balances by a National Org. like the PRCA...Perhaps National Sponsors wouldnt jump ship when pressured by the AR.....Sincerely Jim Zajicek
Pssss....Jim, keep your voice down...the whole idea is to get rodeo fans THINKING they'll be next...then they'll start screaming to "Save teh circus." (Or at least that's worked on local circus bans.) Rodeo represents the shoals upon which the good ship PETA could sink. Growing audience, big sponsors, NASCAR demographics. BUT right now rodeo is still vulnerable when it comes to cable television in a way they probably won't be in five years. So it really is in their best interest to oppose any kind of voluntary blacklisting of entertainment involving animals -- which is what the TNT pressure amounts to. Today the circus, tomorrow the Calgary Stampede...
I note the comment on Rodeo and big time sponsors, however I am afraid that Rodeo will kill themselves by alowing Bull Riding to become totally predominent over its other events. Even now they are putting on the shows of bull riding only and on TV its on every night with no mention of Rodeo. How to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
Johnny I agree with you... bull riding is killing the rodeo theme - I like bull riding, just not the over kill of it!
Years ago when Fess Reynolds had numerous Bull liberty acts...Fess told me he had trouble booking them on Rodeos.....The answer always was...."People pay to see the Bull Ridin...We cant have Bulls doin a Liberty act!" I played about 8 events last year that featured Rodeos....The Biggest crowds were on PBR (Pro. Bull Riders) nights...or Xtreme Bull Riding (PRCA version of the PBR)....So, yes the Bulls are and always have been Rodeo's Biggest Draw...However, at Rodeo Austin and Rodeo Houston and others...they package a concert with Top entertainers along with the Rodeo to draw crowds... ($25 - $75 for seats) with Good results....Pro Bull Riders also can hold a PBR and a PRCA card at the same time and many bounce back and forth....Plus Entertainers like Larry the Cable Guy and others are investing in TOP PBR bulls....However this is all GOOD for Rodeo in General...Also the PBR + the PCRA is well aware of AR and realise After Circus animals comes the Rodeo...Hence, Thats why they Police all animals in Showbiz playing there events..(PRCA inspects my animals).....Go to the PBR( or PRCA( Sites and they have extensive Animal welfare info W/ Videos ect. all acts, officials, Stock contractors, contestants ect. MUST be members of their organizations and MUST follow their Rules of conduct or face Fines, or suspenions of said rights.....The CIRCUS needs a Governing Body like this...If it wishes to operate in the 21st century....In Short, the Rodeo has its share of problems with AR...Yet they are leaps and bounds ahead of the Circus....Much can be learned from their way of doing business......Sincerely Jim Zajicek
Here are 3 of the more than 60 animal welfare rules of the PRCA
Standard electric prods may be used only when necessary and may only touch the animal on the hip or shoulder area.
Stimulants and hypnotics may not be given to any animal to improve performance.
Any PRCA member caught using unnecessary roughness or abusing an animal may be immediately disqualified from the rodeo and fined. This holds true whether it is in the competitive arena or elsewhere on the rodeo grounds.
PBR animal welfare: click on Bulls at
Where do I click on Circus animal welfare?????? This is the problem....We don't have a National org. ....In my humble opinion....Until the Circus has a respected Governing Body self run like the PRCA or PBR......Its only a matter of time before animals in Circuses become extinct...has'nt enough time gone by...instead of waiting for other groups to piggy-back the circus (See OABA)...why not "Grab the BULL by the Horns".......Jim Zajicek (6-legged steer, 2-nosed cow, cattle Baron)
Don't you see? Really, don't you see? They aren't killing the goose. They are keeping her fat,happy,and content. They are feeding her what she wants to eat, which keeps her coming back for more. I know, lets just tell the public, "We don't care what you want, this is what a rodeo is, and if you by God don't like it, you can lump it. That Johnny is killing the goose. The goose is the public
They may just have bulls someday. It has nothing to do with AR if they keep the bulls. The goose is tired of the rest and wants to eat what it wants to eat. Feed it what it wants. It will still be a rodeo, they will just call it something different.
Wade Burck
i strongly agree with suggestions about a national self-policing organization. there are enough animal experts on this blog to set up rules and the very names of some are so strong they have more power within our business that they realize. circuses, those who want to survive, anyway, need to set aside petty differences and at least try to work together. we're finally in a position to slow down animal bans and bull hook laws, etc. but we need to be stronger, and we can be stronger if we all work togther.
In order to be a "contract act" and work PRCA sactioned rodeos you have to be a member of the PRCA. Now some contractors like "contract acts" as a nice break during various events and others just like some circus producers don't want to pay the scratch. Also a majority of the competing contestants are not very supportive of the contract acts for a number of reasons, so in the past years the work for "contract acts has greatly diminished. Too bad as the general public that would attend rodeos always enjoyed the trick riding, roping, roman standing and other unique acts. I know this to be true as I have alot of friends that are or have been Contract acts such as Rex Rossi, Jack Rhinehart, Jimmy Murphy and others.
You are certainly right about rodeos being immune for the moment from the organized animal right factions because of their political clout and they are not alone. So are Dog Shows, Horse Shows and horse racing. We with the circus unfortunately do not have that enormous following, so we are ceertainly vulnerable. I take issue that the bull riding are Lilly White in their operations, but that is another story.
Col....Go to Utube....type in Rodeo will get about 131 videos.....then type in Circus will get about 140 videos.....WHOS IMMUNE??? Point fingers at Bull Ridin all you want.....Its the Circus Guy way...Instead of takin Responsibility for themselves...I NEVER heard a Rodeo Cowboy Reply "Well, what about the Circus"... 30% of all rodeos in the US are sanctioned by the PRCA...At the 8 events I was at 7 were Prca.....out of those 7...5 hd contract acts...From Whiplash the the Kniesley family (trick riding, Whips,Guns) to Preiferts "Texas Thunder' Col. I don't know where you get your "Facts" at the Prca site click on "Contract personnel" The listing under Acts is extensive......Also Col. I was in the Circus 27 yrs....(a 1st-o-May compared to you) I have NEVER held a PRCA card....Yet as Goofy as I am....I thank the Powers whereever they maybe...for giving ME the wisdom to learn to "Check my ignorance at the door" when it comes to AR.....Your Retired, and I show Cows...and Cows are way, way, way, down on the AR list.....Sincerely Jim Zajicek
talking about organizations that are immune to animal rights activists, my understanding is that the woman who introduced the anti-circus legislation in connecticut is big on horse shows and rides and shows them herself. i'm not positive -- somebody like gary payne would know better -- but it seems like that is what i heard.
Lets see now. I read ads, etc. where they used to put on a rodeo in various buildings, arenas, netc. where now they are putting on bull riding only. Even our cable TV channels here have fequent. [almost every night] of bull riding period. If anyone can sit for some two hours of one right after the other they would have to be a hard core affecianado of this event, but aqs I say families that are not rodeo people per say, but proud of our wqestern heritage and with the family go to see this wonderful bit nof Americana with yes its "sports and pass times of the old west" are being left out and when these producers realize they are indeed killing the goose that laid ba golden egg are hurtin, it might be too late. It goes way back to Buffalo Bill and his Congress of Cowboys and Cowgirls. Quite similar to taking the ring curbs out of the circus. The highly intelligent Baby Boomers that have decided we are going about it all wrong and killing people in Iraq and elsewhere is the way to go. God help us all.
Jim; Do you mean to tell me that those cowboys that look after those wild ass half Brahmas or whatever they are make sure they are bedded down with a nice bed of straw and shavings and their water bucket cleaned and filled with fresh water and if they have a snotty nose they take their btempatureb up their rectum and the vet comes out and pulls blood and everyone is awake all night worried about "devils delight" or whatever his name might be. Now that is the case with our circus animals and we do not need a group of hypocrities, of which we are not to publicize the fact that we are taking care of our animals. We are probably banded together more than all these rodeo people, because we all know each other and are well aware of who the bad guys are. I am sure that guy that takes a double-double4 of Jim Beam before he climbs the chutes to board "rangetang" is concerned about his welfare. I found that the general cowboy around rodeos, other than the great people with circus and wild west roots, would not have a clue what a curry comb and brush are fore. Incidentally, my father as a circus trainer and ring stock supt. would not hire some goof that showed up with a cowboy hat on. I have been more lenient but I think he was probably right.
Couple days ago we ranted and raved about a handful of elephant men and grooms for being "characters" that I feel assure most of which had a "double-double" PRIOR TO MOST TASKS.... and now today, the "double-double" somehow causes a lack of compassion for animals. Boy I sure wish I could say "I have NEVER had a cocktail, before a show" that would just about change everything....
I made a boo boo and am sure that the owners of those marvelous cutting horses, steer wrestling and roping horses give them the best of care and they would be among the higher echolon of superb horsemanship right up there or above all this crap about various horses that are the second coming of the jack ass that delivered the Virgin to the stable for the mir4aculous birth. Various horse jockeys like to point out that that cross around the withers has a meaning. Maybe we are saluting the wrong breed. I do like the American Sadlebred, Morgan and the American quarter horse. That is enough breeds to keepo me busy, but enjoy the draft breeds as well.
Col. ....With all Due respect...a Quality Bucking Bull ranges from $10,000 to upwards of $100,000 ...I have been around the Chutes....and...I have Been around the Circus....The PRCA was formed in 1936 by COWBOYS protesting a promoters actions.....translation: THEY STUCK TOGETHER!...The Rodeo addresses its problems....The CIRCUS DOES NOT! Example: Why does RBBB paint their Hooks Black? are they trying to HIDE something?...The Rodeo addresses and ADMITS they USE Hotshots!!! (See explains HOW, WHY, and WHEN....Maybe thats WHY they use them...WITHOUT HIDING them......2 years ago a "Elephantman approached me in my ticket box" (he Didnt know my History) I asked him if he carried a Hook....He replied "YES, but I don't USE it" I Replied "Then WHY do you carry it?" He went Ballistic and stormed off!!!..I won't mention his protect his ignorance....Ask a Stock-contractor, and he will HAPPILY explain how a Hot-Shot is used and When and WHY! CASE CLOSED!.... Col. this hard to understand? It isnt the Circus against the Rodeo...or vice versa....Its about sharing info so ALL can survive and prosper!.....Sincerely Jim Zajicek P.S.All Prca events have VETS on duty in person ....
Jim, recently I did a animal management "tools" dog and pony show for some circus people. It's a little demo that includes everything from a wheelbarrow and a shovel and a garden rake to a sheperd's hook, to a pair of snake tongs, to an ankus, to a buggy whip to a hot shot explaining how every one of them can be legitimately used as a tool and explained as such. A circus owner said, "That's very good, but you bcan't mention hot shots." Ironically prods are a wonderfully safe tool, non-injurious and particularly effective with herd animals. But if we misuse them, or we refuse to talk about them they're demonized and equated with tasers. Silence almost never works in what has become a political argument.
I was for some reason under the assumption that "hot shots" wereno longer for sale. I never cared for any electric tools, fences, etc. We had a electric fence around our camel corral and it worked. However I was constantly getting buzzed myself forgetting to turn it off, or the wire busted and it would not work, or the deamned box would not flash. Whatever. So much for me and electricity. So I guess I am out of date in regard to the use of hot shots with elephants, bucking bulls, etc. What are the ASPCA or USDA stipulations? I dide not know about painting hooks black and certainly the bull hook is a vital necessary tool and our industry should certainly not try to disguise its use. Its a fact and needs to be addressed as such. What a shame that these things get so dicombobulated.
On a different subject. An old friend and important circus person, Harry Mills passed away April 11 at 94 yrs. old. Funeral will be tomorrow at ten thru eleven AM at Palms-Robert6s funeral home 170 Honore Ave. Sarasota. Right off Fruitville Rd.
I copied this from "Livestock Welfare" at
Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights
An important distinction to make when dealing with animal issues is the difference between animal welfare and animal rights. After learning the difference between the two philosophies, it is easier to distinguish between organizations that directly help animals and those who wish to end the use of animals.
Animal Welfare - based on principles of humane care and use. Organizations who support animal welfare principles seek to improve the treatment and well-being of animals. Supporting animal welfare premises means believing humans have the right to use animals, but along with that right comes the responsibility to provide proper and humane care and treatment.
Animal Rights - organizations that support animal rights philosophies seek to end the use and ownership of animals. Animal rights organizations seek to abolish by law: the raising of farm animals for food and clothing, rodeos, circuses, zoos, hunting, trapping, fishing, the use of animals in lifesaving biomedical research, the use of animals in education and the breeding of pets
HARRY MILLS: The last of the Great Mills Brothers- Harry, Jack and Jake. Probably Circus Fans Greatest Friends. I believe Mills Bros. Circus holds the record for the most CFA Conventions Hosted...Tuesday, April 15th - PALMS-ROBART FUNERAL HOME, VISITATION: 10-11AM, Service: 11AM, Burial to follow at Palms Memorial Park...Circus Fans Convention, April 15-20th checking into Sarasota should be able to find Palms Funeral Home without any trouble. Just go out Fruitville East to Honre. Palms on the right. Hope some of you can make the viewing. Great lose to the circus and fan world...The last peanut pitch tomorrow at Palms.
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