Monday, April 21, 2008

From Jamie Clubb

cover2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hello Buckles,

“The Legend of Salt and Sauce ISBN 978-1-872904-36-8 goes on sale in May. This historical story is based on extensive research on Britain’s most famous circus elephants. For the first time ever the full true story of George Lockhart’s notorious elephants is told, revealing the identity of their first genuine trainer and clues to why the accounts of their characters differed so much. For the first time ever all the legends and myths are filtered from the true accounts of the elephants’ extraordinary lives. The story connects to various historical events in circus history and some of the biggest names ever to grace the sawdust ring, including their legendary trainers, presenters and owners.

The book can be purchased in advance from Aardvark Publishing please contact to reserve your copy now. Please see Jamie Clubb’s blog for regular updates and exclusive articles related to the book and its research on “

Jamie Clubb


Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting this up, Buckles,. At the eleventh hour I received further information from the USA on Harry Lockhart who died in Mexico and "Professor" Sam Lockhart who has been featured on this blog a lot due the large amount of work he did with Ringlings and also the elephants he left in America. My book may mainly deal with George Lockhart's elephants, but it would appear that his relationship with his brother, Sam, led him to his tragic career with elephants.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Clubb, I am really excited about your new book! It is not often we get new works on classic show elephants. Keep the updates coming. Thanks.