My son copied this off a video. Johnny Herriott had expressed an interest in seeing what it is that we call a tiger corbette. |
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
From Wade Burck
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3/25/2008 06:06:00 AM
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As a "Cat Act Fan", I would have to rate this as one of the "Big Tricks" in cat act history!
Johnny's computer is on the fritz.
It may take a few days to hear from him.
Wade, when you first talked about this trick, I assumed the jumped tiger was in a lie down which is impressive enough. But wait, THIS is absolutly incredible. Just wish I could have seen it in person.
Nowadays it is possible to take a video, have it transfered and then uploaded to a computer for viewing on this blog.
We anxiously await to see this.
Most impressive indeed.
I think Wade should buy Johnny a brand new lap top since the most likely cause of Johnny's computer being on the fritz is the constant throwing of it against the wall upon reading Wade's comments.
I'll pay for the shipping.
Wade, paypal, American Express or cash?
Since Johnny's computer has suffered irrepairable damage from constant throwing against the wall after reading Wade's comments, I think it only fair that Wade buy Johnny a brand new lap top.
I'll pay for shipping. Please no applause, it's the least I can do after so many entertaining comments by these two contributors.
Isn't Adam on the Hamid dates in South Carolina right now?
I already know what a Tiger Corbette is...
It's what a male tiger starts dribing when he gets to be about forty fibe or fibty so that can still bick up the the hot loobkin' young lady tigers.
It's all part of his mid-libe crisis.
I get drug kicking and screaming into the 21 century by taking instruction's from my "helpful" son on downloading pictures, and now you suggest I am capable of manning the Columbia on the next mission to the moon? Give me a break!!!
First Rebecca, now Johnny. It's clear there is a "computer judge" in heaven, who moderates and decides who need's some "time outs."
I'm hanging paper, and you are asking about my son? He is in Wilkes Barre, Pa. Mar. 24-29. Then he plays the ever popular Pending from Mar. 31 to April 13. then Wichita, Ks. April 18-April 20. Hope all is well, friend.
Did you try to write that poste on a laptop bouncing down the road, or did you have Casey spell check it for you. Speaking of which, assuming that you now are around The Captain, and getting the highest schooling in tiger behavior, I guess I have to accept that's what a tiger corbette is. Did I move in on my son's "turf"? No, I don't think I did, Mr. pot calling the kettle black.
Keep a close eye on this deal for the next few days. Posts like Joey's(thank you Joey) and Jimmy Coles(thank you Jimmy) run them through quick. Anything remotely resembling the rest of them, Samauri their heads off instantly. Thank you.
Wade Burck
I get nervous..and suspicious whenever I see a black background, ultra-smooth edges of hair, an exceptionlly thin tiger/ess especially when some seem to say "It's almost too good to be true.!)
Bring on the video..
Postes like this!!!! Now that the worlds formost authority on tiger body structure(they do stretch out thin as they leap, believe it or not), is nervous and suspicious, which we haven't seen sense my ex- wife and I were morally corrupting the world, go ahead and disappear it.
Let this Chap write history the way he want's. It's not important. LOL
Wade Burck
Jimmy Cole,
I think by quoting "Big Trick's", you may have made some people nervous and suspicious. LOL
Wade Burck
I think by capitalizing THIS, you may have made some people nervous and suspicious. LOL
Wade Burck
I think by mentioning your computer inadequacies you may have made some people nervous and suspicious. LOL.
Wade Burck
Wade, OK, how about "Behaviors of Noteable Size"?
Was that a hint for more "horse photos" (which will never be shown on the blog)?
Your horse photos proved your value and worth as an animal photographer to me. Do you have a copy of the video. I gave all mine away, didn't think I would ever be questioned by an authority. The famed Josip Marcan saying "son of a b____" when he saw it was good enough for me.
Wade Burck
KLSDAD...Personaly..I get nervous when someones name is letters...However, Not only did I have the priveledge to watch Wade train the "Corbette" but also the Honor of watching it at a live Performance....Next to the CAGE!...Even tho I wear glasses...I know what I saw....Incredible training by WADE!.......Jim Zajicek
Thank you very much. I assume Mark put you up to that. I sent a "blonde haired Gunther bra" in for you. Should give you a couple of hours of cut down sloughing fun and good times.
Be safe friend,
Wade Burck
Hope that a video makes it on to YouTube someday. Looks incredible.
Youtube won't take any more. They said a fellow named Casey Canine sent in so many there wasn't room for anything more. But they do have a cage act featuring 3 males backing up and taking a leak. Check it out next time you are looking at one of Casey Canine's.
Wade Burck
I'm on your side..
(well.. not THAT side!)
I just realized that PERHAPS someone has tried to black-out the background.. by coloring a frame from the video black.. thus accounting for the "doctored" look.
You must admit that this is not one of your best photos..... in it's entirety.. I DO like the long hair, black pants.. and boots... Sorry I didn't realize it's you!!
I'll applaude the video.. along with everyone else..!!!
Klsdad.....Wade is a professional......If you need/want something to appear what it isnt.......that would be right up my alley!.......Jim Zajicek
It was pulled off a cell phone video, and the wires were attempted at removing. I don't know anything about it. It was the only picture I had around of the trick. Marcan and Jimmy Hall have the only videos, as well as one's they have given to others. I will see if Jimmy Cole has the skill to download it here.
Wade Burck
Jim Zajicek is not lying. If you've never seen a Fiji Mermaid, for real, he has one.
Wade Burck
....klsdad,we must disagree,we think this is a great photo of Mr. Burck. We like the view....
Sorry Mr Burck, a gentleman is exhibiting the REAL "Feegee Mermaid" on our midway, I'm afraid that Mr. Zajicek's is a clever copy sold to him by an unscrupulous showman. Likewise I believe the Curator has the actual mummified hand of the devil, whereas all those other satanic hands are lesser devils or out and out fakes intended to profit from Mr. Zajicek's success
I have seen the trick from exactly this view and can atest the view of Wade at this angleis great. The tiger corbette is even better live as she did it not over just one standing tiger but two. Would put a trained corbette horse to shame.
Ben, Best to you and Cheeko..."May his caravan roll smoothly...and his Kingpole stand straight ..and his strangr thing TOP the midway" cheeri-o-...Jim Zajicek (Imitating a American)
Yeah right. I suppose you also expect me to believe the 2 headed baby isn't really Billy Brice. Boy, tall grass showmen are sure the jealous type, are they not Curator.
Wade Burck
I'll bet you are kicking yourself for canceling those dance lessons, now that you have seen these two fine recommendations. One from the Madam Col who know's "studs" better then all of us. And one from a lady who still remembers the view after a number of years. How's that for an impact? I'm glad Zajicek kept his thoughts on the "view" to himself. He is also a Vargas alumni, and we would have had some "splanin to do Lucy."
Wade Burck
P.S. Madame Col., how about that Buckskin on the Knie show. Did you see him, or were you too busy worrying about the poor Fresians hurting themselves tripping over the fallen rider.
Now that nobody's here I need to ask you something. Vargas alumni to Vargas alumni. If its none of my business just tell me. We are friends, so I will understand. You mentioned to Cheeko that you hoped his "Kingpole stands straight." What is a Kingpole?
Wade Burck
I believe its a centerpole not to be confused with a quarter, side or gin pole....Hell I don't Know...I always tell Cheeko that....Why don't you ask Susan...Shes British!....Jim Zajicek (Imitating a American)
P.S.Hey now that nobodies around... The Dude that did the trick photo wants to get paid...He's strong-armin me!
Golly! I thought it was a trick picture or a trick I had yet to figure out. The buckskin is beautiful, such a coat.
They seem to have a lot of pretty horses
Madam Col....Sorry for the Cunfusion....I am NOT refering to the "Corbette Tiger" as that is REAL...The Trick photo I am refering to....Involves Mr. Burck, a Hippo and Midget...I have already revealed to much...So as to protect Mr. Burcks Privacy..I'm Done talkin.....Jim Zajicek.
Logan told me that story and elaborated that midgets can't be trusted.
I asked Susan and she said my suspicions were right. Its another name for willy.
Logan's right about midgets. Apparently the little guy couldn't wait to blab to Zajicek. I know the hippo didn't say anything.
Wade Burck
Madame Col.,
I told you what you saw in France this winter was not indicative of European Circus horseflesh, although agreed there is junk there as well as here. I wish you could have seen Knies(Swiss Knie, not German Knie) and Krones offering. Not just the quality of the animal, but the caliber of training and care.
Wade Burck
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