Monday, February 04, 2008

They don't frame acts like this anymore!

Scan000010801, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I came across this in one of my folders, no idea who it is.
It looks complicated enough to be well received in Monte Carlo today, mechanic and all.


Anonymous said...

Yes Buckles, I have never seen it. However, isn't it interesting with all the talk about old-timers never using mechanics that there is one here? Wonder just how many seasons it was done?

Raffaele De Ritis said...

It looks as a rehearsal picture (even with costumes) that explains the mechanich (look at the empty seats).
I know that Loyal-Repensky for awhile used a similar chariot (I think in the early 50s, and I'm not sure if some acrobatic was included. Can anybody confirm that or correct me?
Anyway, this kind of act (acrobatics on a moving chariot) was popular in Europe in the early 1900, and later in Soviet Union. The Soviet act "Troika" in the 50s is the best example. Few years ago I saw in Moscow a similar act using camels and a chariot, with very strong acrobatic tricks.

Anonymous said...

Has Urs Pils seen this? Would look great in third slot of winter programm in 09.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

If Balkanski sees that today he'll build the wagon overnight, & be practicing it tomorrow.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

That sure looks like Cleveland's Public Hall!

Anonymous said...

24 hour man,
Oh my God!!!!!! No, no.
Please tell me that Balkanski is not a "cute name disquise" for Cuneo.

Mr. de Ritis,
I never thought about it being a rehearsal. When I noted the empty seat's, I thought it was the Milwaukee Shrine date.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

The Moscow Circus had a similar act when they toured the US a while back, except the wagon was pulled by oxen

24-HOUR-MAN said...

wade: Balkanski had the teeterboard act on Krone when we were there, in my opinion at that time, the best, & no mechanics. The two sons,(you surely must have met Sachko who is with Patricia Z.) also did a very good Wheel, & the troupe did a tumbling act on a 40' long trampoline. They had a 40' semi that was a complete macchine shop & could build anything, and I mean anything.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

PS: It's definitely Cleveland.

Anonymous said...

24 hour man,
Yes, I have met him. Real nice guy. I didn't know that was the last name. If I had you wouldn't have scared me so bad.
I hope you are well,
Wade Burck

Raffaele De Ritis said...

I confirm that Balkanski could build anything. Literally anything. And if they saw the most complicate acrobatic act in the world, they would produce a more complicate version. They have now their own circus in Bulgaria.

But nobody answered about my Loyal-Repensky suspect.

Anonymous said...

Mr. de Ritis,
Pretty exciting. Response's from two actual award winners. I hope there are more, pro and con. Although you came out of the battle relativly unscathed, I took some hit's, and feel somewhat vindicated. Just my opinion, but I can't help thinking that signed judges cards with questions and responses afterward, might be a solution to future conflict and validity.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Check out the interior of Balanski Circus. WOW

Anonymous said...

Damn. Where does the money come from for these tents??

Anonymous said...

The money for these beautiful tents come from $8.00 popcorn, $12.00 cotton candy and $15.00 sno-cones. (I'm kidding)

Also, working in country with lax insurance requirements, little if any worker's comp, abundance of cheap labor, very short jumps and lengthy enagements in one spot does contribute to a healthy bottom line.

Let's face it: the USA is a little out of whack---we all know who won the Super Bowl on Sunday but very few can identify a masterpiece in a museum or a musical score of classical composer. Appreciation of the arts is a quality that takes time to cultivate, remember the United States of America is less than 250 years old...a babe in comparison to the European countries.

Of course this example is totally blown out of the window when one considers the fanatical Italian soccer fans...speaking of fanatical does anyone know if Wade Burck is a soccer fan?

Raffaele De Ritis said...

I agree totally about posting the judges points. The fact is that, if tie prince of princess likes or dislikes an act, as "president of the jury" can decide beyhond the figures.
I told you: it is a kingdom,and consequently many things there happes as in operettas.

Anonymous said...

Guistino Loyal had movies of Loyal-Repenski doing this type of act am sure that is who it is. Probably Zefta doing the trick. Loyal-Repenski did a riding and teeterboard act just as the Cristianis did.

Anonymous said...

Magna Carta,
Don't forget we had a lot of European influence in the early day's. Influence meaning jambed up our a--!!! It wasn't until we 86'd the Queen's tea, that thing's started to look up, about 250 years ago.
We have Col. writting poety, and Gee Gee getting culture, and our own warlord Buckles can go toe to toe with you on musical score, so there's your highline.
No, never cared for soccer much. A bit to candy for my taste. I alway's liked football, where there is a obvious winner because you were great, and a loser because you sucked. Why don't you fanatic this!!!!!
Wade Burck

24-HOUR-MAN said...

Balkanski built the framework for his tent during his many years with Circus Krone.

Anonymous said...

Magna Mutt,
If you were trying to sell me on the "appreciation of the art's" as being a obviously rigged festival, that's a product you'll have to peddle elsewhere. We are not in the market today.
Wade Burck

Buckles said...

You may recall the incident I mentioned about Kenneth Feld suggesting we might fly "Anna May" Barbara and Ben to Monte Carlo in 1977.
Nothing came of it but I recall asking, "What if you went to all the expense and trouble and we didn't win?" Kenny just laughed and walked away shaking his head.
I told my wife, "I think we're in on the fix!"
Kenny later told me that it was just as well they didn't go because the conditions for the animals were very poor with no heat provided in their tent.

Anonymous said...

Hey Buckles,
Thing's have changed. Now they load the cat's exercize pen's up with cut down tree branches, so the cat's think they are in the jungle, that they have never seen, and the artist/public can hug, hug, kiss, kiss,(both cheek's, that's protocol) and spout about being wonderful enviornmentalist, while the enviornmentalist's stand off to the side, scratching their head, thinking, "wait a minute, those were our damn trees". The fix has obviously been in for quite some time. Don't get me started on hypocracy!!!! And try to stop being so jealous, it's not becoming of a man of your stature. Go on ebay, you can get on of those "prizes" for less than a half a yard.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Addendem to the Blog Wizard,
I can't believe you have been sitting on this "pearl" all this time, while I'm out here getting "wedgied to death".
Wade Burck

Mike Naughton said...

Balanski...wasn't there a head balancing trapeze with Ringling in the 70's or 80's by that name, if I recall correctly that act was featured in the aerial ballet.
Would this Balanski be in the same family?

24-HOUR-MAN said...

Mike: same Balkanski, Alexander, I know he was there in '74. I assume his son Nicolai also does this act now, he practiced it a lot on Krone.

Anonymous said...

Raffaele de ritis: My mate Nigel has already responded; and I would also like to be heard. Anyone who has inherited a tradition bound Monarchy as their ruler; and then experienced a democratic elected power will not so easily dismiss the goings on at Monte Carlo each year. I too salute the young black female Olympic Gold Medal winner; who relenquished her Medals to the world, and admitted honorably to the world on BBC that she had used an advantage; in this case steroids to win. And I will not waste our time sorting out the difference between steroids and knowing the right people. Such courage; as that young lady showed; we do not see often enough.

Peter Blain-Circus Friends Association of Great Britain 1991