Thursday, February 14, 2008

Artists Unknown

Scan000010861, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I'm about 12 seconds short of being 5 minutes in the business when the following occurs...

Mid 1970's, Don Francisco (Frank Mijares/Pan American Circus) books a mini-circus into a mall in New Jersey. Amongst the lineup are Ken and Vesta Austin, "The Grimaldis", who I saw on International Showtime many years earlier.

They arrive with a big, blue Chevy Suburban and a shiny Airstream. We are sharing a vacant store with convention type pipe-and-drape as room seperators for dressing rooms.

I'm announcing the show, Ken and Vesta are presenting two acts, the Musical Comedy and the Plate Spinning. This European-type plate spinning act does not rely on "breaking of the plates" as its driving force; they spin plates on rods and spin plates on the table. The idea is NOT to break plates.

The cast leaves the stage towards the dressing room and throughout the week the standard KEN AND VESTA after show chit-chat from the stage to the dressing room was, "Lovely audience...yes, dear lovely and a Thursday at that...oh yes quite right...wouldn't mind a week of those...let's hope tonight they're just as good..." Lovely English accents and the politest of manners.

UNTIL TODAY, during the plate spinning act a plate goes flying and crashes and BOOM. Ken and Vesta don't miss a beat and continue as if nothing is wrong. End of show, the cast retreats to the dressing room and Ken and Vesta DONT SAY A WORD TO EACH OTHER. Into the vacant store, into the draped dressing rooms and the Vesta says sternly to Ken, "Well, there's another 35 cents down the drain."

Mike Naughton


24-HOUR-MAN said...

When Almiras were on the Dobritch Show, & there was someone special in the audience Dobritch would have him bo a different finish. When he got all the plates spinning he would go down the line collecting them. When he got to the last one he would act like he had too many in his arms & couldn't get the last one so he would throw all the ones he had into the air & grab the last one. Dobritch naturally would pay for the broken plates!

Mike Naughton said...

I worked with Ken and Vesta several times.

Around this time (mid 70's) I started putting little dates together and I asked them if they were available...RIGHT AWAY...


....I just stared at them, a little off guard....

Vesta, "We ASK for a $**** a week but we don't always get it."

Who needs Hollywood writers when we have stories like these on the Blog?

Anonymous said...

Mike, On retirement they were wonderful members of our club and would relate great stories about thier wonderful career and were a very charming outgoing couple obviously very close with one another. They attended all of our functions. We had worked with them on "dates" AS WELL.

Mike Naughton said...

I hit if off with Ken and Vesta right from the get-go. We had lots to chat about, especially Ireland.

While I enjoyed working with them it wasn't until many years later that I also appreciated their kindness towards me as a newcomer to the business.