Friday, February 29, 2008

Arthur Bros. Circus 1945 #2

Scan000010907, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

My Dad wrote on the back "One of the Anfenger whale cars."

"I remember seeing a whale show in Hot Springs when I was very young. It was spotted right down town and I recall it as an oversized pit show. You walked around the outer perimeter of the car to view the "carcass".


Anonymous said...

It's possible that this may have been a car frame used by the Pacific Whaling Company, but it would have been equipped with a different superstructure than the one shown here. You couldn't get a blubbery whale carcass through those double doors. There were a couple cars like these, one with Conklin, another with Hennies Bros. A relatively intact Anfenger car was with Austin Bros. in 1945, served as a stock car and then as a workingmen's sleeper.