Sunday, December 23, 2007

King Bros. Circus #3

Scan000010608, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Mr. Fuentes visited Circo London several times when we were there in 1973, in fact he and Victor Gaona were on the lot Jan, 21 in Jojutla, Morales the day Renato Cevallos and his wife delivered our daughter Dalilah to the lot. He even bank rolled a big fiesta.
Later in our season tho, Fuentes used King Bros. to today & date us several times with the express purpose of putting our show out of business. Once they even set up right across the street, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
Strangely enough, both shows did big business and with considerable partying back and forth.


Anonymous said...

How old was Dalilah at that time? Wasn't she like a year old then? She is such a joy to your family and you have always been so proud (and rightfully so) of her! Thanks, Annie

Buckles said...

Just over a year.