Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ringling Red 1981 #17

Ringling81-17, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

From Eric:

The Felds' very last aerial ballet "The Good Ship Ringling" was undoubtedly inspired by the highly successful 1980 revival of Gilbert and Sullivan’s THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE that had starred Linda Ronstadt. The music score reflected this Gilbert and Sullivan influence and included selections from HMS PINAFORE, PRINCESS IDA, RUDDIGORE, and several other G&S works. Featured in this number was Marguerite Michele and her “hair hanging heroics.” Later in the tour, she was injured, so this number might have been cut. It was one of my all time favorites.

Anonymous said...

Marguerite Michelle Ayala (hair hang) was booked by William B. Hall III of suburban Philadephia.

Marguerite's husband, Miguel, worked his wire act in Ring One to open the second half. He worked solo; a very difficult place to be in a cavernous arena.