Thursday, August 02, 2007

Royal Stebbing Circus 1978 #1 (From Hal Guyon)

stebbing 1978-1n, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Buckles, I`m sending you some photos of Stebbings Royal European Circus taken by me in September, 1978 in Sumter S.C. I don`t know much about this show, but remember making the short drive over from Columbia to catch it. I remember it being a strong performance with a good bull and cat act, but don`t recall who worked them. My flash did not work for some reason, hence no shots of the acts. Maybe you know the elephants from the photos, notice the unusual transport cage for the cats in the last photo.

Hal Guyon


Anonymous said...

Wasn't this the show that Jerry Lewis Shot HARDLY WORKING on?
Cindy Potter

Anonymous said...

I saw this show in Dallas in 1976 at the CFA convention held there. Big John Strong, who I was to begin my circus season later in August of that year, invited me to Dallas to go see it with him and Gudrun, later his second wife. I remember it as a very classy, clean little show, looking good on the lot and was very accomodating to the fans. Someone remarked to Big John how nice everything looked, and he responded with something like, "Sure, your show can look this good if you don't pay your agents." Supposedly the Stebbings owed one of their agents, Paul Robinson I believe Big John told me, $6000 at that point. Still it was a very good show, one of those you wish would survive and go on forever.

Bill Schreiber

Anonymous said...

I lost touch with the business many years ago, so the last I heard of the Stebbings was that they had taken the show to South America, and for some reason were having trouble there. Anyone care to fill me in on some of the (admittedly very old) story? I do remember the year they did the Showfolks show and used most of their own acts and little local talent - caused a bit of stink as I recall.


Anonymous said...

Billy Stebbing and Lilly actually put on our Showfolks Circus for two years in a row aqnd it was higghly regarded by all of us show people and fans. It was a nicely done one ring format with high level professionalizm in all aspects. Where ever you heard of any resentfulness by anyone in our circus community is of no consequence whatsoever and is ab injustice to them and their legacy of being totally commited to circus in every way. I feel bad when a rumour becomes a knock and then gets publicized. A casual remark can have alot of falsehoods and unfortunately it is a common practice in our business. I would like to know your source of this disinformation.

Anonymous said...

Hey, John,

This is Bill Schreiber, and that second "anonymous said..." post signed just "Bill" is NOT from me.
My sentiments towards the Stebbing show are summed up in that last sentence in my post. If I am going to post here I will use my full name.

Bill Schreiber

Bobbie said...

That was my grandparents' circus my name is Tony stebbing mother name is Carol stebbing John stebbing Robert stebbing Anita stebbing

Unknown said...

I am again posting to fill in information about my family. I am vary pleased to give correct information and experience in my history. Please contact me on this matter @ or 702 423 8101...

Unknown said...

I am so thrilled to find this here! I would only with the stebbings for one season in 1976 when a family illness called me home. But I will always treasure the time I spent with that wonderful show! Billy was still with the show. One of the best circus acts of all time was Billy and lilies basketball playing boxer dogs. When I joined the show in Sarasota disturbing had just acquired three little triplet tiger cubs. It took every person associated with the circus in any way to feed those hungry little cats! But we were successful in raising them to adults. I came to the show with the aforementioned Paul Robinson from the deggeller show. John had the best chimp Act I have ever seen still to this very day. And carols single trapeze Act almost boggled the mind! She would sit on the bar and swung until her head touched the canvas on the backswing and her feet hit the canvas on the forward swing. With very little loss of momentum, John would give her c u e on the backswing and she would perform the most dramatic ankle catch! She still had enough momentum on the upswing that she wood Arch her back and the facing the audience! The only performer I ever saw on this level of skill was Diane Hannaford with George's show. Thanks to everyone giving a young girl the most fun and wonderful memories to make me smile in my old age!

Unknown said...

I had the chance to meet the family while they where in Venezuela

Unknown said...

Hey..i met all the Stebbins while they were in Venezuela. You must be Bobby's son born in Caracas