Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ringling-Barnum Band (Date Unknown)

Scan10152, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Looks to be before they started to replace the spoke wheels with rubber.

Anonymous said...

Interesting photo. A very young Mr.Evans in front of his group on a very crowded lot. Notice the sidewall behind the prop.wagons and the Apts in the foreground. Even looks like someone watching out sitting in the chair. My question is the two shorter wagons facing this way,with what looks like doors on the front of the wagons.They have no footboards and the wagon poles have no goosenecks. From LF to Rt you have #144 and then a short #2? Then #147 with another short #4? With the two long prop wagons #53 and #5_ on the far rt. Could these be the small cages that they moved into the bigtop for their cat acts? If so, that would help in dating this photo.