Monday, August 20, 2007

Remains of the Buck Jones Show

Scan000010039, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

My dad took these pictures in Lancaster, so Mr. Jones must have financed the operation thru Hall. An old story.



Anonymous said...

From Eric:

Reliable sources say that Buck's show was done in by a less-than-reliable business partner to whom Buck entrusted the financial portion of the operation. Reputedly, after the show folded, Buck (who had lost everything) went looking for the "varmit" with a loaded gun! Fortunately, Buck was soon back making sound Westerns for a small poverty row company named Columbia and was eventually able to pay back his creditors. Columbia made so much money off of their Buck Jones "B" westerns that they were able to finance an occassional "A" picture directed by Frank Capra. The rest is Hollywood history. Buck was still going strong in 1942 when he was killed in the Cocoanut Grove nightclub fire in Boston.

Bob Cline said...

A general question for anyone out there, I've seen many photos over the years of show equipment at the Hall farm. Were the railroad tracks actually on his farm or somewhere around town that he had storage tracks available?