Monday, August 20, 2007

More Circus Cowboys (From Eric Beheim)

Buck Jones, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Attached is a photo of my all-time favorite cowboy Buck Jones. He was with a number of different shows including Ringling Bros. in 1917. In the late 1920s, he took out his own wild west show (which quickly went under.)



Anonymous said...

I'll bet anything Bill Strong is as excited over this group of photos as I am. Who would have thought that the Roy Rodger's and the Tom Mix's would not have been looked up to by every generation of child born. No way is fighting with a light sabre more exciting then leaning out of the saddle, and shooting under your horses neck. Shoot, you didn't have to disembowl your enemy, you were skilled enough to shoot the gun out of his hand at 50 yards. Darth Vader, my ass. I got your Kill Bill right here. Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Concerning going broke, most actors weren't business people and most times they did not have a manager that was familar with show business and consequentially they didn't last long. Truly a real shame because with the proper management and advance they could have made it big.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with today's great photos, but how do we celebrate your 1 millionth visitor to your web site, which seems to be coming up very soon.

Anonymous said...

Once I mentioned Buck Jones to a guy much younger than myself. He said, "I've always wondered who Buck Jones was."

This guy sold insurance and it turned out he had heard of the "Buck Jones Law" which he said required that there be regular doors beside any revolving door.

As you all know Buck Jones died in the famous Coconut Grove fire in which many perished, trapped by the crowds pushing to get into the revolving doors.

You notice next time you go through a revolving door and there will be a regular door beside it. And think of Buck Jones- one of the great silver screen and circus cowboys.

Buckles said...

That many?
I will suggest to my wife the the one millionth visitor to the Blog be presented with a new Mercedes.

Harry Kingston said...

Ole Whitey aka Dave,
Thank you as I learned something new today on account of you and Buck Jones.
Our County court house has the revolving door and the regular door side by side.
I never paid any attention to it but now I will look.

Anonymous said...

Sure sorry to not see The addition of Jack Rheinhart and Rex Rossi in the line up. Rex certainly had the credentials to go all the way, from a youth with Tom Mix and as a wrangler and double for so many and as a cowboy stuntman. Versatile in every aspect of Cowboy, western performer and a handsome guy as well. I might suggest it was his voice as he had the high pitched slow talking of slight Italian accent almost effeminate, inherited from his Italian bandleader father. Very similar to the Zacchini brothers of our generation. But he sure was a Circus Cowboy.

Anonymous said...

If you had to get down on your knees to get a new computer, what will you have to do to get the new Mercedees? How many other blogs that are many levels below yours have had a million visitors. Congratulations!!!! Just keep them coming and that is thr ultimate reward!!!!