Sunday, May 13, 2007

Unidentified #6

"Alice" with King Bros. Circus
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Anonymous said...

Buckles: Chang once told me that Alice went from the Strates show to the Providence Zoo, but I've also heard Roanoke. Which was it?

Buckles said...

My files Say Roanoke.

Anonymous said...

Can you give the approximate date of importation? I worked with an old elephant named “Alice” at the Norfolk Zoo in Virginia in the late seventies. (I think that zoo is now called the Virginia Zoo.) “Alice” was blind in one eye. At that time the “zoo” in Roanoke only had a couple of bears and some birds.

Don Bloomer

Buckles said...

Sounds like the same elephant.
I have her listed on the Strates Shows thru 1969 then to Roanoke.

Anonymous said...

as far as i know, the norfolk zoo only has three african elephants. a few years ago they had an indian but they just named the three africans as ambassadors for norfolk so i assume there's no indian elephant anymore. Also, great news for the home team. norfolk has given the elephants this honor even though the zoo is about 10 minutes from PETA's headquarters building. this is one zoo that i don't think PETA will include in its elephant protests -- i don't think they're ready to take on norfolk city council, Mayor Paul Fraim and our city manager in the town where they have their main office!

Anonymous said...

I thought this elephant looked like her. Alice had a very flat straight back. She died in 1978, one week after I quit. That left Monica and Lisa, two little African elephants. I assume they are still there. Does anyone know the names of the three elephants in Norfolk?


Anonymous said...

elephants at norfolk zoo now are Cita, Monica and Lisa. They weigh 7,800, 8,600 and 10,000 pounds respectively. the zoo and the city are very proud of them, and they're very popular.